An exploration of all things communication.
Providing free insights and practical suggestions to gain soft skills and confidence and to avoid fracturing your credibility.

Hi, I’m Tess,

Communication is a dance between what is said and unsaid, what is understood and misunderstood. Learn how to avoid and navigate communication mishaps and misunderstandings and in turn to build your confidence and presence.



Where ever life plants you, blossom

Most of us are not where we had planned to be at this point in time. Wherever you are be your gorgeous self, be kind to each other and help each other blossom. Be kind

How to manage your staff’s expectations in uncertain times

Are you overwhelmed by your VUCA environment? Are you feeling volatile and uncertain? Does the world around you feel complex and ambiguous? Does this feel familiar to you? In fact, the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and

How To Use Communication To Overcome Resistance To Change

In organisations today, change is unavoidable. Likewise, resistance to change is unavoidable. In fact, if you aren’t changing (or you’re deliberately or subconsciously avoiding change), then you could be in trouble. But successful change is

What is the cost of putting other people’s needs first?

The world is experiencing ‘the great resignation’. The cost of putting other people needs first is high. We all do it… From personal experience, I stayed in a job a year too long. I told

The forgotten skill to expediential improve your communication outcomes. Guaranteed.

In the absence of a personal translator or a Babel fish (think Douglas Adams of Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy), we all need to be slightly more curious and inquisitive, and ask more questions. Clarifying

Very, very, very…

Do you use the word ‘very’ frequently? Is ‘very’ your go to intensifier when you want to emphasise a point? Here’s something to ponder. In a world full of noise, it’s hard for your message

Effectively and Efficiently: Problematic Words

The words ‘Effectively and Efficiently’ are problematic: Have you ever been asked to do something efficiently? Your new boss says to you and your team as he walks out the door, ‘By the way, we need

Creating breathing space

Are you feeling uncomfortable because of other people’s behaviour? If yes, do you need to create some personal breathing space? —– I would like to explore the concept of creating breathing space from a number

Everyone almost never exaggerates

The word ‘everyone’ is problematic: Have you ever heard a co-worker say, ‘Everyone thinks…’ You look around the room. Two of your co-workers drop their heads and start shifting in their chairs, a third rolls

You have permission to EXIT a dysfunctional conversation.

EXIT: Just think about it! If you reach a point in the conversation where it is no longer constructive for either person to stay, why would you continue? It’s not something that most of us

Why use 10 words when 100 will do?

Why use 10 words when 100 will do? I was asked; ‘Why use 10 words when 100 will do?’ when I put the call out for topics for my blog. The request came from the

What ever happened to ‘common sense’?

Do you ever find yourself saying, ‘Whatever happened to common sense?’ In the same vein, have you asked, ‘Why aren’t people logical, sensible?’ If you answered yes, would you like to know how not to

Ridiculous, really?

Lately, I’ve been catching up on tech stuff. Not my favourite thing to do. My husband asks how’s it going. When I tell him he’ll often say, ‘That’s ridiculous, it shouldn’t take that long’. While

Right and wrong and nothing in between

Why are the words ‘right and wrong’ problematic? As words, they are problematic because they are dismissive. This means you are showing indifference or disregard to others. By saying to others, ‘You are wrong!’ You are doing

From communication autopilot to connection and engagement.

It’s human nature to navigate the world on communication autopilot. We are designed that way. Why? Because, it’s efficient, effective and creates space to tackle more complex issues. And so it is safe, comfortable and

Is your communication, and credibility suffering from COVID associated challenges?

Is your communication and credibility suffering from COVID associated challenges? Message clarity, workplace connection and personal credibility are all potential causalities of our ever-changing workplace. Once upon a time, you could walk around to someone’s

Are you comfortable exiting a dysfunctional conversation?

Are you comfortable exiting a dysfunctional conversation? Imagine this, the conversation has reached a point where it is no longer constructive for either person to stay, would you exit? It’s not something that most of

Are you feeling uncomfortable because of other people’s unacceptable behaviour?

Unacceptable behaviour is uncomfortable. So if you answered, ‘YES’ to the above question and you really hate feeling that way, some personal breathing space may help. Sounds good? Let’s face it, if you find someone’s

But, however… oh whatever

‘but, however and whatever’, Why are they problematic words? As words they are problematic because they are dismissive. This means you are showing indifference or disregard to others. It could sound like this: In a nutshell

It’s FINE – another conversation with hubby

Conversation with hubby with the word ‘FINE’. Another inspired post from hubby and me. This post highlights the incongruency between the words we say and how we say them. Sometimes we just need a little

It’s FINE – a recent conversation with my hubby

It’s FINE… My husband and my conversations are often a source of inspiration for my posts. This particular post shows really clearly how we tend to communicate on autopilot and that broad generalisations are not

Amazing – confession time, I’m guilty of overusing this word

‘Amazing’ is an overused word. We live in a world where we’re bombarded with countless communication. Our intended message can get lost in a world of noise. Help others hear you. Say what you mean

Do you shatter other people’s headspace?

Meeting others in their zone: Have you ever walked away from a conversation wondering what you have you said or done to warrant the slightly annoyed, maybe even intolerant response that you received? Ultimately, you

Obviously, and its not so obvious fallout…

The word ‘Obviously’ as a problematic word e.g. It is obvious that we need to do this… As a word, it is problematic because it is a ‘universal’. In the above example ‘obviously’ is used to

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